Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer GOALS...because I'm a grown up.

If you'll remember, last summer (officially referred to as The Last Summer) I made a bucket list of all the things I wanted to do between the sweet months of May and August. The list included things like: karaoke, break a world record, crash a wedding, play drunk Twister, etc. But this summer...I'm a grown up. The real world is upon me and I've got to get on board (or some combination of expressions). Bucket lists are obviously for college students, but the Type A tendencies in me will not let me go listless for the summer. Therefore, I've drawn up my Summer Goals. Aaaah, how mature and wise of me...I KNOW. Sorry for the ramblings, here are my goals:

1. Blog twice a week. I really do love to blog, it can just be a little intimidating sometimes. My mother is so good about regular, themed blogging, and my goal is to be more like that.

2. Complete one craft a week. Another thing I love, but often fail to do.

3. Eat healthy. Really though, I put it on every goal list I've ever made. I need to start eating healthy things and eating out less. 

4. Save at least $500 a month. Dad and I sat down to discuss the expenses I would be taking on in the real world and where to budget my money. This being said, $500 is a reasonable amount to set back each month for savings...and by that, I mean for the next time my car breaks down.

5. Read one book a month. I am a slow reader. It's true. So finishing a book takes me a while, which can be discouraging...but I do love a story. So I'd like to be a little more patient in finishing books regularly.

6. Volunteer. It's a nice thing to do.

7. Keep a scrapbook journal. I have started many scrapbooks...and I keep a pretty regular journal. So I thought maybe combining the two strategies would help me best document my summer (and life). My plan is to buy a smaller scrapbook book and an adorable paper packet from Hobby Lobby. Then in one swoop, craft the pages together, leaving space for pictures and text so I can fill them in as they happen. Ya dig?

8. Update my music library. There was this thing freshman year called MOJO, where you could give and take music from anyone logged into the same wireless and the MOJO network. It was glorious. But, if you didn't back up these songs, on your computer, there was a possibility that somewhere down the road they would all of the sudden stop playing on your iTunes. So, about two years I lost over half of the songs in my iTunes library and have been on Spotify ever since. But the goal is to download and organize all the songs from my Spotify and the list I made of the songs I lost so that I have them available offline.

9. Train for the Tough Mudder. Some trickster convinced me to sign up for this in September and apparently it’s a half marathon of running, jumping, leaping and getting electrocuted. So, I thought maybe I should prepare for that.

10. Freelance. This is a goal that includes many parts. I would like to complete my self-branding, launch my website, create some self-branded collateral and start marketing myself for design projects. I usually like to keep my goals narrowly tailored, but…I like even numbers even more. So. We’re sticking this all under #10.

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