This lovely red bike. I've named her Ruby. Also, that stylish, mint helmet and a water bottle. I've been wanting a nice bike for a while now, but am just too cheap to invest in one! But mom and dad know me well and to receive it as a gift was perfect :)
I'll be honest here. I haven't ridden it as much as I'd like to have. It's hard to fit in all my activities when I work till five! However, Aaron is out of town, so last night I made a little time. I got home from work, hopped on ol' Ruby and headed to the MKT Trail. Then I thought, I wonder if I can ride all the way to Aaron's house. It's 6.7 miles one-way, so a total of 13.4 miles...for my first ride of the summer, that's pretty good. At some point along those canopied miles of the MKT, it occurred to me that biking is so, so much better than running...and here's way:
- The wonderful wind in your face.
- Less cardio exhaustion, but still cardio.
- You can go further and see more.
- You have more time to take in what you see.
- Brainspace can be filled with more pondering and less agony.
- Travel can be physically challenging AND practical.
- You can text or take pictures or make Vine videos while you go.
- You workout more of your muscles.
- When you're with friends, you can socialize.
- More difficult to give up before finished.
Love your 10. #11 for me would be: Water handy at all times! Enjoy!!