
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2015 A Year in Instagrams

For those of you on my Christmas card list, you've already heard all you needed to know about my 2015. This version is a little more detailed and has bonus hearts and shit sprinkled throughout, so maybe worth the read...?

For those of you who aren't on my list, but would like to be, just shoot me an email with your address and I'll add you! I would love to. I only send cards to people who sent them to me first - so it's your fault if you're not getting one.

Let's begin...

01.01.2015    New Year's Eve
Last year, we rang in the New Year in good ol' Columbia. The night turned out to be a total bust (as most New Year's Eve celebrations are), but man, we got good stories!

02.28.2015    Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cook-Off
The 2015 Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cook-Off was Game of Thrones themed and JES Holdings raised over $11,937 for Boys and Girls Club of Columbia. Not to mention first place in Showmanship, Best Costume and Best Booth. JES doesn't mess around...

03.21.2015    Chicago Spring Break
Mom, my brother and I took a little Spring Break trip to Chicago. Sam wants to move there someday and mom wanted to prove the point that 1) it's too far for Bolivar, and 2) it was cold. WELL, IT WAS DEFINITELY COLD.

04.04.2015    New Year's Eve
Work on the home continues. This spring, I tricked recruited the family into coming to Columbia to celebrate helping with my landscaping. Suckers.

05.02.2015    Anderson Wedding
In May, two of our good friends were wed. We spent the day celebrating Mr. Jordan and Zak Anderson. It was a lovely ceremony and the reception was a blast! But having to hang around with an old married couple didn't interfere with our lives much, we still have regular game nights and I (alright, Zak) still wins most of the time.

05.10.2015    Mother's Day
The family reassembled for Mother’s Day at the Lake of the Ozarks. There was a beautiful view and delicious food, but the good company was the best part. (Boyyyy, that was cheeseball.)

06.06.2015    Kansas City Weekend
Mom and I spent a wonderful weekend pretending to be locals in Kansas City: First Fridays in the West Bottles, wandering through the City Market, learning the classic lesson that you have to show up at like 8:00 a.m. to do a Boulevard Brewery tour and a fun little wedding downtown.

06.13.2015    Early Father's Day
Dad and I went to see the Cardinals play for Father's Day. We got great seats through a vendor of mine at work and as dad put it, "they were better than any seats we get for a Bolivar game."

07.04.2015    Casanovas Conquer Canada
Our Casanova family trip was to Niagra Falls this year! None of us had been, and I'll tell you what: we tourist'd the HELL out of that city. It's like a theme park: Ferris wheels, Jurassic mini-golf, dip-in-dots, not to mention the opportunity to go in, around, under, over and in between the falls. So, we did all that too.

07.25.2015    4th Annual Float Trip
The fourth annual float trip went down this year. Shenanigans as usual. We had a blast on the Current River and everyone made it back to the campground at the end of the day, so we call that a successful float.

08.15.2015    Allie's Bachelorette Party
Then back to the Lake again for one of the biggest, girliest bachelorette parties ever; to celebrate Allie. We all celebrated again in November when Allie and Taylor tied the knot. I was a first-time "wedding planner" for the event and it was an eye-opening experience! 

09.26.2015    Roots 'n' Blues 'n' BBQ Half Marathon
My co-workers and I trained through the sweaty summer evenings to run the Roots ‘n’ Blues ‘n’ BBQ Half Marathon. At 13.1 miles, it is my farthest distance to date. But just wait! Blair and I have the Oklahoma City full marathon on our minds in April.

10.08.2015    Georgia Affordable Housing Conference
My work flew me to a tradeshow in Savannah, Georgia and it was a blast. Slightly less than 24 to party on a boat and karaoke in front of my executives. What more could you as for? 

10.10.2015    Mizzou Homecoming Reunion
#Showmegirls were reunited in Columbia for Mizzou Homecoming! It was so good to get all of these wonderful ladies together again.

10.17.2015    Sue's Half Century Challenge
Mom turned 50 this year! We celebrated with a weekend in Bolivar and a wile, tri-event birthday party including: senior Olympics, a scavenger hunt and trivia.

10.31.2015    Halloween Weekend
One of two Halloween costumes this year: the Scooby Gang and characters from the original Jurassic Park. I usually throw a big shindig, but this year we did a zombie pub crawl and a zombie 5K and had a lot of fun!

11.15.2015    Friendsgiving
Our little Columbia couples group (we call ourselves the #decasquad 'cause there's ten of us) gathered together to celebrate Friendsgiving in November. I cooked my first turkey and a ham! The only thing I ruined was the gravy! Oops,

11.19.2015    Soulmates in New York City
Abbie and I took a trip to New York City this fall and had a fabulous time eating, going to shows and walking...walking...walking. See pictured after the farewell concert of our favorite band: Pearl and the Beard.

12.09.2015    United Way Week
Our office held our annual United Way Week campaign and I had a fun time serving on the committee. We hosted email bingo, penny wars, a food truck, chili lunch, Family Feud, and much more. Please consider me your source for good ideas for office social events - we have done everything.

12.18.2015    Marketing Family Christmas Photos
Shout out to my neat little Marketing Department, who I've had the pleasure of bonding with this year. So much so that we even took family Christmas photos, wrote a poem and passed them out around the office.

12.24.2015    Christmas Eve
Becca and I hadn't been home in a while, so returning for Christmas was well anticipated! We spent Christmas eve comfortably in our matching pajamas and celebrated the next day and Grandma and Grandpa's house. 

12.30.2015    Kait's Quarter Century Challenge
HAPPY QUARTER CENTURY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEEE! I took a queue from my mother's 50th birthday and decided to throw myself a 25th party just as epic: Kait Trivia, red-headed slut shots, homemade sushi with ginger, gingerbread Kaits and plenty of being bossed around. I actually made everyone call me Queen Kait and wore a tiara all night. I'm not embarrassed, it was a blast.

[ Party Plan Like a Pro // Pick a Theme and Go WILD ]

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