
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fool's Day ♥ Foolproof Pranks

Happy April Fool's Day! I hope you've got lots of fun pranks up your sleeve. In case you don't, here are some quick little jokes you can pull without doing too much work.

1 // The Sprayer
This has got to be the all-time, classic prank. I learned this when I was about ten and pulled it on someone different every year since then. Just a rubber band around the sprayer of the sink will do the trick. The next person to turn on the water will be all the wetter. Just don't forget about it, or you could end up pranking yourself.

2 // Broken Mouse
In case you didn't know, computer mouses don't use a little ball anymore. There's fancy laser detectors down there pranking is even easier! Just a little piece of paper taped over the sensor light and you're good to go. Don't forget to leave some kind of obnoxious note on the paper.

3 // Craig's List
The link here is to a website for the ultimate Craig's List prankster, but you can get your friends with a post like this:

Monkey inherited from uncle in circus. Well trained and obedient. Nothing wrong with him, but I can't have pets in my apartment. Call me for more details. 555.555.5555.

Be sure to leave your friend's phone number! You can get more creative or even creepy if you leave it a post under the Men Seeking Women section. My aunt put an add in the Bolivar newspaper one year to prank my Grandma Rose. The best part about the trick is that even when you know about can't do anything to stop it.

4 // Mentos + Diet Coke Surprise
Everyone knows how mentos reacts with Diet Coke, but this is just a genius way to use science for pranking! See the tutorial on how to sew thread through the mento and hide it under the cap of the bottle. It's a prefect long as it's not in your kitchen.

5 // Toothpaste Oreos
It's a harmless enough hoax, even better if you only like eating the inside of an Oreo. Just clear out the Oreo filling and replace with a white toothpaste. Give them a little time to dry before offering to your friends.

What to read about some fun April Fool's Day pranks by the media, celebrities and otherwise? Here's a little fun website called the Museum of Hoaxes to keep you entertained. Hope your day is prank-free...unless you're pulling them!

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