
Friday, March 28, 2014

5 Things To Try This Weekend: March 28 - 30

First of all, sorry I was so worthless about updating last weekend's #5things. I actually did them all though, check that out here.

Saturday is Aaron's birthday! Woohoo. I'm have a little surprise for him on Sunday (since the weather is better) and because he reads my blog (occasionally) I don't want to post anything that will give away too much...I might have to add some later.

1. *Secret* I wish I could share, but I'll update you on Monday!

2. Add to my 52 Things craft. I know you've seen it on Pinterest, the deck of cards with 52 Things I Love About You written on them...totally cheesy. But, I dove into this adventure with the idea that I would give him a few cards at a time, with a gift associated with the thing I love. For example, this all started last, last Valentine's Day when I gave him these things:

Harley Davidson Mousepad = I love your motorcycle.
Boxer Briefs with Hearts = I love your butt.
Framed Photo = I love this picture of us.
Watch = I love every minute I spend with you.

Then, throughout the year when he gets gifts, they come with a card and I thing I love about him...

Grill = I love that you're a man, honey.
Blue Rock Candy (AKA Breaking Bad Meth) = I love watching our shows with you.
North Face Hoodie = I love snow days with you.

Blah, blah, blah. You get it.

3. Welcome spring with a scarf. My pursuit to bring on spring with my wardrobe continues, with a floral, spring scarf. It's kind of tricky to wear a scarf when it's not cold, but the scarf Abbie got me for Christmas a few years ago is just perfect for the occasion.

4. Brainstorm April Fool's pranks. April Fool's Day is on Tuesday next week and I need to have my game face on for the office prankage. In brainstorming for this, I'll probably need to watch some of The Office to see what kind of inspiration Jim can give me.

5. Let's hear it for the boy! (Love this song.) Just a general celebration of the birth of Aaron...which has been pretty great for me, I guess.

*     *      *

1. It's picnic season, people. Well, that was the surprise. A picnic at the winery with Aaron's favorite IMO's pizza and games. But it wasn't a surprise, because an hour before we left, I looked down at my sandals and said, "I can't wear these the winery." DAMMIT IT KAIT. He turned to me and claimed he knew it all along. But I blew the surprise and it wasn't as cool when it wasn't a surprise. But, the picnic was fun!

2. Add to my 52 Things craft. So, here's my little craft with the newest addition to the deck.

Okki Mama Gift Card (inside story) = I love your sexy glasses.
Lunchable, Capri Suns, Gushers & Beef Jerky = I love your child-like heart
Les Bourgeois Wine = I love how sweet you are.

3. Welcome spring with a scarf. I even got a few comments on my bright floral scarf, to which I declared I was willing spring with wardrobe. And I think my willing worked this weekend. It was a nice day to be outside and I even got a little sunburn #gingerproblems.

4. Brainstorm April Fool's pranks.  * Updated * This was our perfect prank. Our friends Zak & Jordan were engaged in December, and strangely enough, Jordan is always flustered to talk about it. Just likes her privacy, I we had to capitalize on that right away. It actually didn't take any preparation. When I got into work, I printed the "Just Married" sign and recruited a few guys to up their soda intake and save the cans. I went around the office and had a handful of friends sign the poster before decorating the car. The response was priceless: Zak laughed and Jordan hated it. The best part was that the cans were tucked under the back of the car, so after removing the sign, they go to pull away and are rattled to see the cans rattling away. Good thing they're good sports, it was fun to get one over on them.

5. Let's hear it for the boy! Let me tell you a story about this boy: Since we started dating, I've had this issue with remembering Aaron's birthday. I knew it was either March 28 or 29, but for some psychological reason, I could not remember which one. Through some poking around, I finally determined that it was, in fact March 29 and I made this plan. But Aaron wanted to be a little smartass and was determined to trick me into thinking it was March 28. He changed his birthday on Facebook to reflect that, which made me a little nervous Friday at work. Friday night, we are watching some Walking Dead, when he shows me a happy birthday text from his mom...I'm getting a little scared now and he says he has one from his sister too. He starts to scroll down his texts to show me, when I see a message, sent to his mom and sister that says "Remember to text me happy birthday today." So, I guess we both ruined our own surprises this weekend. But at least mine was a nice surprise. Not a mean one!

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