
Friday, March 21, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: March 21 - 23

1. Master the Art of Aldi'ing. In my pursuits to save some money (since I'm about to take a loan out for more money than I've spent cumulatively in my whole life), I've started shopping at Aldi. It's a little awkward at first to not know what you're doing: carts are rented, there are no bags, you can't use credit's madness! But after the first time, it's actually alright. My only other two trips so far have been short, quick errands, but this time I need to stock up.

2. Replace boring buttons. Simple enough, I'd like to replace the boring buttons on one of my cardigans with some fun, mismatch buttons!

3. Skirts for spring! Oh, we've had some lovely days these last two weeks and skirts are the perfect way to celebrate. Though Saturday and Sunday might be a bit gloomy (and do I see snow on Monday?), today is wonderful and there's a skirt with my name on it tonight!

4. Spring cleaning challenge: the kitchen. You know how it goes, the sink, the oven, the microwave, the counters, the floor, the panty, the frig. Especially the refrigerator. I don't know that I've given that a clean-out/wipe-down since we moved in. But it must be done.

5. All-girl game night. Abbie and her sister have planned a little game night in Kansas City on Saturday night. Rachel and I are heading up for the night to get are game on.

*     *     *

1. Master the Art of Aldi'ing. Phew, Sunday Aldi was a little wilder than Saturday Aldi, especially when I had so much to buy. But I think I did pretty well. I spent $76 on the majority of my groceries (for two weeks) and then had to go to Walmart for a few extra things, mostly for Aaron's birthday celebration next week. You know how much I spent at Walmart on "a few extra things"? $85!! Yeah. That's why Walmart is a dirty trick...

2. Replace boring buttons. See my purple cardigan was actually missing a button already. So this project was perfect to repair and cover the missing-button hole and to add a little, but not too much, flare. I think next time I'll get a little crazier with mis-matching colored buttons.

3. Skirts for spring! Not a very springy skirt, but it felt so great to let my legs breath. I miss skirts so much.

4. Spring cleaning challenge: the kitchen. This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The frig was kind of a nightmare, but it's done and the Mr. Clean Eraser worked some magic on the back walls.

5. All-girl game night. It was such a fun time in Kansas City last weekend! The drive wasn't too bad at all. Abbie and her sister, Allie, were perfect hosts! Great snacks and drinks, not to mention the awesome game the put together, which they cleverly named "Know Your Boo." I think Rachel won in the end by a few points, but our tri-member team was definitely the best! We know each other so well.

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