
Friday, April 4, 2014

5 Things To Try This Weekend: April 4 - 6

1. Enjoy the first Pineapple Whip of the season. My mother is beyond obsessed with Pineapple Whips. When the truck emerges for the first time in the spring, she Instagrams about it. Every errand to Springfield is rerouted along Glenstone so she can be sure to pick up a Pineapple Whip along the way. When I texted her this week and said, "Do you have an idea of a food-related #5thing I can do at home this weekend?" her immediate response was, "Pineapple Whip?"

2. Attempt to make book letters. Another mom story: Ever since I saw the letter books at Anthropolgie, I dreamed of making them myself. So when I came across some old Reader's Digest books at an antique mall, I bought them in preparation. I called my dad earlier this week and inquired about the tools he had handy for such a job and packed them up for my trip home this weekend. About mid-way through the week, my mom Instagrams a picture of stack of Reader's Digest books with the caption: Thanks to the book swap cart at the BHFP, I got these future craft supplies for 2 bucks! I knew exactly what she was planning. Crafty minds think alike. Anyway, the project looks pretty complicated, but this is the idea:

3. Paint colorful nails for the Color Run. Mom and I are doing the Color Run in Springfield this weekend. It will be our second year competing as team "Show Me the Monet" ...Mom thought of it. I just thought I would take it upon myself to try some funky, multi-colored nails for the event.

4. Shop Mom's stockpile. Mom again she's a bit of a hoarder when it comes to furniture. In all fairness, she is stockpiling for a garage sale, but she's been stockpiling since I moved into my apartment last summer. Anyway, I'm moving again--to a bigger space--and I can't wait to see what kind of things she has for me to steal.

5. Kickstart my motivation to run again. Remember when I did that 2014 Goal Report at the end of January so I could brag about how great I was doing with my goals...yeah...I've fallen off the wagon a bit and haven't run in a very long time. Hopefully the Color Run (and the oncoming spring) will be just the trick to get me back into working out.

*     *     *

1. Enjoy the first Pineapple Whip of the season. It was a little chilly on Saturday to be having Pineapple Whips, but it was perfectly delicious!

2. Attempt to make book letters. The book letters turned out SO good. I'm just thrilled about them! Dad was so great to help me out and was pretty innovative with the tools he had. I made a "K" for the new house and a few other letters that I may find a use for. I can't wait to display it!

3. Paint colorful nails for the Color Run. There they are.

4. Shop Mom's stockpile. Big wins from the stockpile include scrapbook organizational bin, coffee table, kitchen chair, cool frames Becca got from Maurices and some other random odds and ends. It's made me so excited for all the projects I'll have with the new house. When can I move-in already?!

5. Kickstart my motivation to run again. If that photo doesn't look like someone motivated to run, I don't know what does. Of course the forecast says rain tomorrow and Tuesday, so that won't help much, but I guess I'll work around it.

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