Friday, March 7, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: March 7 - 9

1. Prepare a crockpot meal. You can never run out of new crockpot recipes. I'm not sure what I've got in mind, but I'm feeling...pasta? soup? wings? I'm not sure! Might find some inspiration here.

2. Craft a necklace that's "off the chain." For Halloween, part of our Royals costume required "tigers on a gold leash..."

Anyway, I've got some extra gold leash (which was actually just brass chain from Lowe's) and I'm determined to make it into a necklace...or two. This is the inspiration:

3. Play "makeover" with new make-up. Mary Kay Sales Director (and mother of friend) asked me to sample and blog about some of her new products. I jumped on the opportunity and was even more excited when the goodies arrived in the mail today! It all looks so fun to try and I love having opinions...or didn't you know?

4. Spring cleaning challenge: dust, wipe and vacuum the bedroom. It shouldn't take too much, but it needs to be done every now and again.

5. Do what I love for money. No, not prostitution. I've just got a few freelance jobs on my plate and I'm thinking I can do some damage if I wake up early tomorrow and get down to business. And that's the plan.

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1. Prepare a crockpot meal. Aaron loves sausage and he just discovered tortellini ("Cheese-stuffed pasta? What?!"), so I found this Skinny Crockpot Sausage Tortellini. It's not actually "skinny" because opted to use regular cream cheese instead of fat free, because I just don't believe in not having fat in things that should have fat. I just put it in the crockpot this morning, so we'll see how it turns out!

2. Craft a necklace that's "off the chain." On Saturday, we went shopping and I saw this gold chain necklace at Francesca's for $22. On Sunday, I took the gold chain I bought at Lowe's for $7 back to Lowe's and had it cut into three necklace. Take that Francesca's. I'll do a more extensive post about it later, but for now, just know that I'm the winner here.

3. Play "makeover" with new make-up. Another blog post you can expect to see later (tomorrow) is my review of the Mary Kay makeup I got to try out over the weekend. I love new products and there were some good ones!

4. Spring cleaning challenge: dust, wipe and vacuum the bedroom. Ugh. Alright, fine...I haven't vacuumed yet...but I've dusted and wiped, so partial credit.

5. Do what I love for money. Saturday morning, I woke up at 8 AM and came into the office, like any other was kind of weird. But I just listened to my NPR and enjoyed the place to myself while I designed the morning away.

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