Friday, February 28, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: February 28 - March 2

1. "Grab a drink after the show." I don't just sounds cool to say.

2. Make a spring wreath. Yeah, it is supposed to snow this weekend...BUT I WILL WILL SPRING INTO ARRIVING. On a realistic note, I'm just planning ahead because the weekends ahead could get busy. Are you wanting to make a wreath? Here's some great inspiration.

3. Dress like Hans Solo. I've been laughing at this meme for a while now, so it's time I jumped on the bandwagon and shared the joke.

I mean...that's funny. College girls DO dress like Hans Solo: vests and boots and attitude. There's no shame in, Hans was a badass and this weekend, I salute him.

4. Play Oscar bingo. Found this adorable printable for both an Oscar ballot and bingo cards! And just like that the Game Night Crew has turned the Academy Awards into another Game Night.

5. Experience True/False. ABBIEEEEEE is in town this weekend for True/False. Woohoo! We've sketched up a little schedule and we're ready to get our indie on. It's really more about taking advantage of one of Columbia's finest events with some of my finest Columbia friends. I love having her in town and I love this town!

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1. "Grab a drink after the show." I actually tried two new bars this weekend. Friday night, before our movie, Abbie and I tried 9th Street Pub House and International Tap House, or as the cool kids call it "iTap." We had some fun beers at iTap, including the raspberry one pictured above.

2. Make a spring wreath. You know I love my reusable burlap wreath. I literally made this while Abbie was in the shower (though she's a pretty slow showerer). I already had the fabric flowers, so I used tacks to secure them into place on the styrofoam wreath. Add a little bow and that's spring for ya.

3. Dress like Hans Solo. As mom put it, I traded in the gun holster for a scarf...a wise decision I'd say. But otherwise I think I did pretty well. Probably could've used a little attitude though, mine looks a little forced.

4. Play Oscar bingo. Lindsey, Abbie, Aaron and I went over the Zak and Jordan's to watch the Oscars on Sunday night. I provided the ballots and bingo cards and finished almost last in both. I guess seeing all the best picture nominees doesn't alway make you the most prepared...or the luckiest. In the beginning of the night, Aaron is filling out his ballot and asks, "What's best picture?" At the end of the night, I had only one more point than he did...HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN? It was fun to have something to do during the show though.

5. Experience True/False. We had a great weekend! Saw three films: "Secret Screening Burgundy," "Killing Time," and "Particle Fever." I can't tell you about "Secret Screening Burgundy" because it's going to be officially released at a bigger festival, but I will tell you it was GREAT. "Killing Time" I didn't love, but "Particle Fever" was another win! We had quite the wait for "Particle Fever," but thanks to the wonderful staff and planning of T/F we could wait inside...since it was snowing outside. For now, I can only recommend "Particle Fever," but when the secret screening is no longer secret, I'll give that one the thumbs up too!

"Killing Time" Trailer

"Particle Fever" Trailer

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