
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Diving In: Strat Comm Career Fair

Tomorrow is the Missouri School of Journalism Strategic Communications Career Fair.
I am terrified.

I used to feel pretty confident about my creativity, but being at the third best Journalism school in the country will make you doubt yourself a little. As my Strat Comm friends will tell you, it's competitive. But I knew that coming in.

I receive about a thousand emails a week from the Missouri School of Journalism list serve and most make me I delete them immediately. With the approaching fair however, I have gotten one of these everyday:

Yet I still put off preparation as long as possible.
Being that it is now the day before, I'm finally starting to get things together. These gotten-together things include:
- resume perfected, and printed
- portfolio pieces selected, and printed
- pieces organized in portfolio
- outfit chosen, and ironed
- pep-talk with Trever
- written questions to ask companies

So this is what I'm wearing:

 Please give me this a horrible idea??

I really feel very unprepared and inexperienced, not to mention extremely nervous. But this is how I get better. If nothing else, this is great practice; being one experience away from inexperienced. That has to be good for something, right? The only way I'm going to get over this sad little fear is to take off the towel and jump in the water...I always hated creeping down the steps one at a time.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be great, and look great too by the outfit choice. Classy, chic, & modern! Be yourself, I know it's cliche...but true you're talented and smart, who could resist?
