
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lil' Bit of Love

TWO blog posts in ONE day. I'm not sure this allowed. But I just wanted to show off a little of the love a received and a little of the love I gave on Valentines yesterday.

Here is what I gave:

Gift for Emilie...frozen wine cocktails.
My roomies all got ICED. Though, it was really just so I could have an excuse to craft the case container. Which I am keeping to use next year...


I also made Becca a gift that I had better not show photographed, but I think she appreciated it.

And these are the gifts I received:

From my two favorite men on campus and in the the note (truthfully) read. Trever and Taylor got me chocolate turtles and Vodka to wash away the single-sadness on Vday night. Hahaha...are you starting to notice an alcohol theme to this holiday?
Cookie ingredients from my little chef Em...check out her blog for tasty/crafty ideas!
Jordan (one of my other roommates) made us three different types of chocolate truffles that were auhhhmazing. Nom nom.

Aaaaand Abbie gets me eye make-up remover...for all those tears I'm drunkenly crying on this lovely day.

I like to joke, but I'm alright being single on Vday. I think it makes you appreciate the multitude of non-romantic relationships in your life. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have cookies, truffles, turtles, booze and Abbie's harsh humor. I was well loved on Valentines.

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