
Monday, December 28, 2015

Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter

I guess I've been in denial thinking I could avoid winter forever. The thing is, the cold seems to last so long, that postponing the acceptance of it starting helps it seem a little shorter...right?

Anyway, here's the winter to do list and wrap of the fall list as well!

Now, let's take a look at how fall turned out...

1. Have at least one pumpkin spiced latte. See October 18th update.

2. Tailgate college football. See October 18th update.

3. Get lost in a corn maze. UGH. Still haven't been to the corn maze! I'm keeping this on the list until I do it.

4. Make the first batch of chili. See October 18th update.

5. Visit a pumpkin patch. See October 18th update.

6. Carve pumpkins. See October 18th update.

7. Bake a pie. Thanks to my sweet momma for her help with the cherry pie I took to our JES Holdings Thanksgiving Potluck. It was delicious (and beautiful) and the office loved it.

8. Try a new seasonal brew. Early in the fall, Rachel and I met up with our good friend Elizabeth. She has been working as a Field Instructor at Teton Science School in Jackson, Wyoming and was back in town for a visit. We went to 44 Canteen and had a lovely time catching up. I tried the Southern Tier Pumpking and it was strong and spicy. Definitely a one beer kind of drink.

9. Craft a fun costume. I did a two costume combo this year [ HERE ], one at the office on the Friday before and one with Zak and Jordan on Saturday night. There wasn't a whole lot of "crafting" exactly, but the assembly is a pretty creative process. And I crafted the shit out of the Scooby Snack box. 

10. Take colorful fall photos. Sure did! I got the yellow trees on the trail one evening and some bright orange leaves around our neighborhood.

11. Decorate the doorstep. See October 18th update.

12. Watch a scary movie. Ooooooh guys. We watched The Orphanage, on recommendation from my mom, and it was SO GOOD. Fair warning, it is in there's lots of subtitle reading. But I think that helps keep you engaged and all the more scared. It is a great story (especially for scary movie, where the bar isn't too high) and has a twist at the end that is so real and sad. I would totally pass on the recommendation--and I think Aaron would too, though he was not happy about the subtitle situation. 

13. Find a new fall candle. Mmmm, Target's Signature Soy candle "Autumn Harvest" was my favorite candle this year. 

14. Host a bonfire in the backyard. See October 18th update.

15. Go leaf-peeping on campus. You know, I didn't do this on campus, but Aaron and I did some leaf-peeping around the neighborhood this year and it was just beautiful.

16. Plant mums. See October 18th update.

17. Throw a Friendsgiving. YES! I know you're sick of me talking about it, so I'll just remind you to read about it [ HERE ].

18. Go antiquing. Nope, shoot.

19. Treat the trick-or-treaters. Since last year's trick-or-treater population was basically non-existent last year, I didn't invest too much in buying candy. And good thing, because we had two groups for a total of like eight kids...dang.

20. Visit a haunted house. Another one I keep putting on the list and never doing. We'll get 'em next year.

21. Volunteer at the Food Bank. Gaaaah, embarrassed to say I didn't do this. 

22. Attend a fall festival. See October 18th update.

23. Run in a race. See October 18th update or [ HERE ].

25. Try a new pumpkin recipe. See October 18th update.

+ Go apple picking. See October 18th update.

+ Admire a sunflower field. See October 18th update.

+ Take a trip. New York City, ya heard of it? See all the photos [ HERE ].

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