
Monday, February 2, 2015

Ambiguous, Informal Resolutions of 2015


December was a blur, am I right? January has been infinitely calmer and more relaxing, but I've been taking some time to myself. Then I got on itch to blog, so here I am. Let's take a look at those pretty little New Year's resolutions I 'grammed back when the sweet, sweet slowdown started.

Now, I know that last year I did this thing, where I designed very specific, structured goals. Then I mapped out a daily checklist to keep me on track and in January, I nailed it. But the thing about strict goals is that once you get off track (in about March) its so easy to just give up. So, this year I'm not having it. When I started thinking of what my resolutions might be, I found that I was really pleased with myself, in terms of working towards self improvement. So instead of making a bunch of rules, I decided to come up with vague resolutions that give me an idealized direction for the next year.

And so far, so good...

Budget Better
After all that money I spent through November and December, I am HAPPY to stop shopping. Never thought I would say such a thing, but it's been true enough this month. Hopefully it holds.

Run Regularly
I didn't really have much of a plan for getting this ball rollin', but our lovely Marketing Director gave our department Fitbits! I would have never gotten it for myself, but I love it. It's a great motivation to get up and walk around during the day and to be sure I stay and run on the treadmill at the office until I meet my 10,000 steps.

Take Time to Travel
Plans for the next #showme Memorial Day trip are underway! Get excited for the Instagram explosion of Big Easy pics coming this May.

Read Religiously
Another unforeseen electronic solution...the wonderful, glorious tool that is the iPad. I didn't know how great it was to be able to read all the books in the world from one little screen. But it's wonderful. You can enlarge the font size and read while you run. You can read in the bath without painfully holding the pages with wet fingers. You can even read on your side without the uncomfortable angle of  bending back book pages. I love it and I love abusing my mom's Amazon library.

Crave Culture
One of my mother's recommended e-read is The Revolution Was Televised. It is wonderful. Basically, a breakdown of all the TV shows that built the foundation for what we know as television today. It's a nice change from your standard fictional story and has sparked my interested for so many great shows. I can't wait to get started on beign-watching all the greats.

Craft Constantly
The #craftingoncannoncourt has been quite the success lately. Did you see my DIY headboard? What about my wall gallery? It's the big, house-related projects that I really wanted to work on, so I am pretty happy with the damage so far.

Practice Positivity
When I was thinking of writing this post, I thought through the whole list and then have I practiced positivity? But I've been so pleased with my work on these resolutions and I think that counts. Great job, Kait!

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