
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Year's Resolutions

I've been brainstorming my New Year's resolutions for a few weeks now. I take this goal-setting business very serious. Some people think there is a kind of fakeness to setting resolutions, I think. We all know some of our goals will quickly fall to the wayside and others will fizzle out slowly after a few months of success. But, the trick of enjoying New Year's resolutions is the will to set. Thinking over your daily like and dreaming about your future self requires self-awareness, and while we may not be able to change our downfalls in one year, I think it's so important to know what they are and how to improve them. If you haven't come up with any yet, here are some you could steal. The idea is that my blogging will keep me accountable--once a month, I'll try to check in and evaluate my attempts to better myself.

New Year's Resolutions (For the Office)

  1. Arrive to work on time.
  2. Drink five glasses of water a day.
  3. Meet one new person at every New Hire Reception.
  4. Double, triple check my spelling before sending out proofs.
  5. Keep the office organized.
  6. Be positive.

New Year's Resolutions (For Life)
  1. Make time for breakfast each morning.
  2. Run 30 to 50 minutes, three days a week.
  3. Launch a personal website by May.
  4. Starting in May, reach out to one freelance client a month.
  5. Do more style-related blog posts.
  6. Volunteer once a month.
  7. Learn to do better photography.
  8. Start listening to NPR daily.
  9. Cut back on the cursing.
  10. Love people...especially when it's hard.
  11. Be positive.

**The key to resolutions is to be concrete and time-specific. Work-out, is not a good resolution. You can't measure that to ensure success and it's easy to make excuses. But, Run 30 to 50 minutes, three days a week is a very sure thing. There's no gettin' out of that one.

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