
Friday, December 27, 2013

5 Things To Try This Weekend: Dec 27 - 29

1. Decorate sugar cookies. Sugar cookies with homemade icing...honestly, I only want homemade icing, but sometimes you need a vehicle for consuming said icing.

2. Sew a stocking. Remember how I got a sewing machine? Time for my first project. I know it's a little late, but I'll need stockings next year too.

3. Prepare a glittery, sequiny, sparkly NYE outfit. Gold, black, sequins, fur, plaid. I'm trying to not to create any expectations for the holiday that is always disappointing. BUT, a great outfit will never let me down. Here's some inspiration:

4. Set some New Years Resolutions. I love the idea of starting fresh with new goals! I've been brainstorming all weak and I'm ready to strive!

5. Celebrate ME! Monday, December 30th, people. It's my Birthday. I'm having a little shindig--complete with detailed itinerary--and I can't wait to celebrate with my friends. Happy Birthday to meeeeee. But you can celebrate YOU too. Treat yourself to a fancy lunch...or Starbucks.

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