
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Checkin' in Before I Check Out

I can't even remember the last time I was home.

Since I started working in May, I didn't get my two personal days for the quarter until the next quarter...which was October. These two personal days had to last through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve until January. I haven't had a day off in a while and they are much needed. I actually won't be using them until around Christmas, when I will not work and get paid for the first time in my life. It's a beautiful thing people.

I've got a few loose ends to tie up around the office and at home, but I'll hit the road at about 6:00 p.m., bound for home. One of the things I need to tie is the most essential: burn a CD for the car ride. What will I put on that CD you ask? Just some ditties that I fancy for the moment. I'm not usually a fan of soulful oldies, but I lovvvvvve that Candi Staton song, He Called Me Baby. If it's a little too old for you, you might try Kandi, by One Eskimo. Anyway. Here's what I like right now...

Last night we went to Tuesday Trivia at Southside. It was a pretty good time! Southside is nice non-collegey bar, with extensive seating and a MAD amount of TVs. The Trivia was a bit amateur, with just a guy and his laptop and his poorly formatted PowerPoint. But the questions were challenging, yet answerable for the average individuals. We didn't win...or even do very well, for that matter, but it was fun AND they had $5 domestic pitcher and $8 long island pitcher!

Full disclosure, I Google'd "southside columbia mo," saved this photo to my phone and Instagram'd it solely for the purpose of using it here. Pathetic, I know.

Well people, I think that's all I've got for ya. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving and look for me Friday with a #5Things to Try This Weekend!

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