
Friday, November 22, 2013

5 Things to Try This Weekend: November 22 - 24

1. Try a new wine. My dear friend, Allie Harvey is hosting a Wine Party on Friday...and I'm thinking I'll be exposed to some new vino it's on the list!

2. Put a dent in my Christmas shopping. I've got all day Saturday and some stores with my name on them. I'm not sure I mentioned it, but my goal for November was not to spend any money on myself (besides food, gas, etc.) and so far I haven't. It's a lot harder than you think! But, every time I look at my budget, I'm pleasantly surprised...anyway, it's burning a hole in my pocket and I'm ready to spend...on others!

3. Undecorate and clean. I've decided this will be a good way to plan my deep clean schedule. When I take down the fall decorations, I do the clean thing and put up the next season of decorations. While we're on the subject of next season's decorations, here's what I'm thinking: white, red & light turquoise (maybe, some flakes of pink and gold).

4. Prepare a baked good. I've got to get in the mood for the holiday season, so I'd like to prepare a tasty little treat. I'm thinking cookie...though I do have some cake mix with my name on it!

5. Mix some prints. Apparently it's all the rage to be mixing your prints...this is STRONGLY against my internal fashion instincts, but sometimes you've got to be a little risky. Literally, all from bloggers I follow in the last month:

J's Everyday Fashion // The Glitter Guide // a fashion love affair // In Honor of Design // workday.weekend
Wish me luck! And, as always, I encourage you to try some #5Things too!

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1. Try a new wine. We tried many many new wines. My first time trying a Merlot and Taylor Bailey's homemade wine...which was totally awesome. Thanks to Allie for hosting and for the DELIGHTFUL meatballs.

2. Put a dent in my Christmas shopping. I'd say I did pretty well. I still have some things I think I'll look for on Black Friday. Also, I have to confess...I gave in and bought something for myself. I AM WEAK. I know.

3. Undecorate and clean. Well, I definitely undecorate, but I didn't do so good with the cleaning. I just couldn't get motivated. I'm so excited for Christmas!

4. Prepare a baked good. Oatmeal, chocolate chip cookies. NOM. I know some boys who will be excited when I bring these home for Thanksgiving.

5. Mix some prints. I went with the plaid shirt and the dotted cardigan for my pattern mix-up and I got so many compliments...including one from a girl in cheeta print and stripes, so she must know what she's talking about. Notice the stripes on the watch for bonus pattern-points!


  1. CLEAN is definitely on my list this weekend! If you are trying a new wine, check out the new Macadoodles in town. They have a LARGE selection and free tastings :).

  2. Hannah! We DID go to Macadoodles! On Thursday...even before you told me this. It was my first time going and it was AWESOME. Perfect place to pick out a new wine!
