Friday, July 5, 2013

Small [ Red, White & Blue ] Things

Yesterday was one of the most relaxing, fun holidays I've had in a while. I love going home and being with family, but most holidays are kind of stressful: packing, planning, driving, doing...and driving, unpacking, back to work. So, since I had to be in to work on the Friday after the Fourth, we settled for staying in Columbia and it turned out to be a great time!
Preparation started on Wednesday night while our maraschino cherries were soaking in vodka. Aaron and I started the layering process of our Fourth of July jello shots. I got the recipe from this blog, but I she doesn't mention that you need to wait for the liquid Jell-O mixture to cool completely before pouring over the lower layers. 
: Hope your 4th of July is as happy as ours is... *tongue-out-eye-closed face*celebration horn*flag*

Thursday morning, we finished the final, cherry layer of our Jell-O shots and headed over to (my future home, and current home of Trachel) Katy Place Apartments where Rachel had made some delightful blueberry pancakes! We got a tour of the place, which was adorable...or rugged, if it's Trever's.

: Strawberry-blueberry pancakes. Duh *flag*flag*flag* Thank you @rachelob0803

Then it was pool time. Mostly, we were obligated to do this, since I have this American swimsuit. The weather was perfect and there wasn't a cloud in the sky! We laid out for a bit, but A. A. Ron got a little bored and we had to play catch in the pool...he's like a little child. Once a pick-up game of pool volleyball got going, he really started enjoying himself.

: Too much #america? Never. *flag*flag*flag* Perfect day poolside...

After the afternoon in the sun, we grabbed a freaky fast sandwich at Jimmy John's with the Andersons (Zak and Jordan...not actually married). And then took a quick nap before prepping for our tailgate adventure. We parked in the lot behind Walgreen's on Providence and had a perfect view of the fireworks. We played some bags and drank while we waited for the fireworks.

: *flag* #fourthofjuly

Trever brought his new, fancy, electric grill and everyone provided their own meat and sides. Most of us had burgers and hot dogs, but the Grillmaster had spent the afternoon preparing these insanely seasoned chicken legs. We stole one. They were incredible.

Our spot was perfect. Here's the view we had from the back of Aaron's truck. It's mostly accurate...except the light pole I edited out...but only those of you who read this will know the real story.

Selfieeee. Oh em gee.

: Fireworkkkksz... *flag*
All in all, it was a great Fourth of July. After the fireworks, we headed home to play a little Scattegories (our go-to game) with the Andersons and then get some Zzz's before work today. 

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