
Friday, May 11, 2012

Forgive Me, Blogger, for I have sinned.

Forgive me, Blogger, for I have sinned. It has been seven days since my last blog post.

DIY: Having Strep Throat

- kleenex
- so much water
- ibuprofen
- penicillin

1. Wake up from your insanely detailed and realistic fever dreams and realize you are NOT healthy.
2. Begin taking ibuprofen in large doses, frequently.
4. Go to the Health Center.
5. Pick up and immediately being your penicillin prescription.
6. Take a final.
7. Bomb it.
8. DRINK WATER while you wait for mom to arrive.
9. Watch movies and do nothing.
10. Suffer another night of bizarre dreams.
11. Wake up, take penicillin and DRINK WATER.
12. Car shop.
13. Nap.
14. Go to dinner and a movie.
15. Take penicillin, DRINK WATER and go to bed.
16. Sleep...without crazy, fever dreams for once.
17. Study all day and DRINK WATER while your throat starts feeling much better.
18. Continue taking penicillin as prescribed for 10 days.

- Keep a trash can and kleenex near by at all times.
- It really doesn't matter what drugs you have, you need your momma when you're sick and I'm so glad I had mine. Nothing makes you feel better faster...
- Just keep taking ibuprofen. When it starts to hurt, take some. 

Soooo. I did two versions of today's post. I wasn't sure which I liked better. Please comment your opinions, did you prefer the clever DYI Guide to having Strep or the regular post?

I've been a little under the weather. Sunday I was stricken with a stormy bout of strep throat. It was horrifying. With a final on Monday, I pathetically attempted to study and called mom for a little mobile comfort. Before the final, I made an appointment at the Student Health Center, was examined, had my blood drawn, verified as having strep (not mono, thank Blogger) and picked up my penicillin prescription. All before strutting across campus to the Geological Studies Building and domination that final. Not true, it kicked my ass almost as hard as the strep throat.

I went home and slept until my momma showed up and started saving my life. She did my laundry (that had been piling up) and cleaned my room. She went and got us pizza and some movies and then we camped out in the living room and watched movies...while I tossed and turned as my body temperature changed from sweating to shivering every few minutes.

After a tossy-turny night of sleep Tuesday, I woke up feeling a little better. We used the morning for a little car shopping. There was nothing in Columbia that we felt was a better deal than the Toyota Corolla that we had as an option back in Bolivar. So, we committed to that and I'll be back on the road by May 25! We came home and I had a little nap before we got dinner at Murry's and saw Cabin in The Woods. The movie was great. Leave it to Joss Weadon to take your typical horror movie and give you a great twist. That night, I started assembling my Retail Marketing study guide.

Wednesday morning, I worked on my study guide while mom did my grocery shopping. She left a little while after...
I know it's not as much fun for my mom to come to Columbia to care of me, but it was much appreciated. Next time she's in town I'll have to be extra perky and healthy. Thank you momma, I love you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As do I. I know how to get strep, but you did have some useful tips. I just like reading your thought flow. If there weren't grammatical errors. But you may think in that as well, knowing how you spell... L-A-G-O-O-N-A.
