
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dear Momma...

You'll have to excuse me for not posting this earlier today. Also, I DID get her a gift too, so this isn't a cop out. Ha.

Dear Momma,

Well, here we are to celebrate a day made just for you,
To put aside the whining and the other things we do.
Like getting sick and needing love from two hours away,
Like dating older boys which leads to your dismay,
Like gaping holes left in our legs that will not heal for days,
Let me stop this nonsense now and pause to give you praise.

I praise you for your patience and your slow-to-anger care.
It would be understandable to want to rip your hair.
I praise you for piles of laundry cleaned, now that I do my own.
Remember when simply folding clothes would make me moan and groan?

I praise your cultural knowledge and keeping me in the know.
Because honestly, let's face it, you're cooler than I let show.
I praise your sense of style and every gosh darn thing you pin,
If I took a poll among my friends "Best Pinner" would you win. 

I praise your constantly feeding my need to craft and create.
If I ever make it in advertising, it's because of you I'll be great.
I praise the nagging way you push me to succeed.
Without this lovely nagging, I wouldn't have this job I need.

I praise your likable personality and your ease with all you meet.
I strive to be this everyday though I often fail the feat.
I praise they way you treat others with love, equal and fair.
It's the most admirable thing to do and YOU do it because you care.

I praise how you raise your children, since I know more than most,
And if I'm half the mom you've been to me, then maybe I can boast.
I praise your unconditional love, though I may not say so enough,
Which is why sometimes I'm a jerk;  but you love me even if it's tough.

I know sometimes I'm difficult, as each your children are.
My sarcasm --though hilarious-- is often taken way too far.
Though you constantly are serving me, I fail to do the same,
I think first of my selfish needs, which I know, is totally lame.

So now I'll try to reign it in and shut my yapping trap,
I know my rhymes are long-winded and cornier than crap.
You know I really mean them plus a million, times a lot,
You know I really love you and I thank you as I

Love Always,
Your Kaitlin Rose

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