
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Things To Do Today

What a lovely treat to be texted an hour before work that I don't have to come in if I'd rather not. And though I reeeeally should (since I'll be taking the weekend off for Zac and Carolyn's wedding) I can't say no to not working. So, my day just opened up by 8 glorious hours to be spent how I please. I almost don't know what to do with this kind of freedom. Here is a list of the things I hope to accomplish today, maybe by posting this to the world wide web I'll be more likely to actually do these things. But maybe not.

1. Read Sex, Drugs and Coco Puffs.
2. Clean up my iTunes library.
3. Hobby Lobby trip with Rach.
4. Make shots pages.
5. Burn CDs for Dallas trip.
6. Pack for Dallas trip.
7. Do a Pinterest craft.
8. Bake my Fiji boys cookies.
9. Perfect resume and cover letters.
10. Send out resumes and cover letters.
11. Watch a good movie.
12. Work on Ultimate To Do List.

Well. Guess I'd better get started then...

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