
Monday, January 9, 2012

21 Things About Christmas Break

Guess you have heard by now...I AM 21. Needless to say, it's been a great Christmas break. To commemorate the glorious break, I thought I would list 21 things that have made my break so wonderful and unforgettable. For these, I am grateful:

1. The last hour before we closed on Christmas Eve and holiday shopping season being OVER. For the love of God.
2. Fondue for Christmas Eve dinner.

3. Christmas morning. Always wonderful.
4. My new Nike kicks.
5. Lunch with Grandma Rose.
6. The amazing recipe book Grandma gave me for my birthday.
7. Day-long Scrapbook Extravaganza with Emilie.
8. Dad's delicious cedar-plank salmon.
9. Playing MASH with Ricky and Kelsey, even if we have do it long distance.
10. Confetti Cake. Nom nom.
11. The anticipation for and finally taking a birthday shot at midnight with Breanna Ledford.

12. Friends in Columbia for my birthday.
13. Shots on shots on shots at Big 12. And not paying for a one.

14. New Year's Even in KC with my sisters.

15. Working at 2:00 (and not any earlier) on New Year's Day.
16. Visit from Mom and Becca. And their graciously restocking my cosmetic/toiletry supply.
17. Free time to watch movies: Old School, Anchorman, Another Earth, Bonnie and Clyde, Tangled, Dazed and Confused, The Descendants.
18. Irish Car Bombs and beer pong with Kaston and Emilie.

19. My 21 Shots Survival Kit from Emilie.
20. Dollar burgers AND beer at Big 12.
21. Everyone who loves me and wanted to celebrate with me. Thank you friends.


  1. Sounds great Kate! Still can't believe you're 21!

  2. I made the top 10! Twice! (I'm counting the cake as mine because I made it.)
