
Thursday, January 4, 2018

2018 New Year Resolutions

If there is one thing I always manage to's a New Year's Resolution post. Here's what I'm thinking for 2018:

  1. Be Kind
  2. Appreciate my Youth
  3. Read 50 Books
  4. Save $10,000
  5. Cultivate 2 New Skills
  6. Become a Better Leader
  7. Workout 4 Days a Week

Be Kind
Having been on the receiving end of such thoughtful, genuine kindness, it is important to me that a reflection of that kindness be a priority in my life. Over the last year, I have tried to be more aware of kindness. I started a tally in at the office where I marked each consecutive day of "kindness." However, my team quickly made it known that I was actually just marking consecutive days of "not meanness," which apparently, isn't the same thing. So, I'll need to find some new strategies for this goal, but it's back on the line-up for 2018.

Appreciate my Youth
All my friends are married and having babies, and I'm over here like...well, I'm like trying to appreciate all the things I won't be able to do when I climb into that boat with them. Among other things, I just want to appreciate where I am in my life right now. 
  • Travel New Places
  • Move to a New City
  • Try Weird Fashions
  • Care for my Skin
  • Stay up, Sleep in
  • Play Drinking Games
  • Have Hangovers
  • Go to Festivals
  • Use Stupid Slang 
  • Make New Friends
  • Eat Whatever
  • Karaoke
  • Ignore my Phone 
  • Play Intramural Sports  

Read 50 Books
And to clear, I'm counting audiobooks.

Save $10,000
I am actually terribly good at accidentally saving money. So, I hope a purposeful, budgeted goal of 0 $10,000 will not be too difficult.

Cultivate 2 New Skills
We should always be discovering, cultivating and utilizing new skills. I thought I might brainstorm a little list of skills I might try...
  • Swimming
  • Drive Stick Shift
  • Photography
  • Biking
  • Embroidery
  • Bartending
  • Ballroom Dancing
  • Programming
  • Speed Reading
  • Sewing
  • Learn a Language

Become a Better Leader
Now that I am one, I suppose I should get better at it. There is a training program at JES for "Leaders of Others" that has, so far, provided some really helpful insight about myself and how that might affect my relationships with my team. I think being mindful and focused on the importance if improved leadership will be invaluable to its success. 

Workout 4 Days a Week
I haven't worked out since October 26 *shameful, eyes covered monkey emoji* and it's pathetic. Anyway, I've got to get moving and I don't want to rush into it, so we'll start with a simple count of 4 days a week and take it from there. It's damn cold though, and I hate treadmills...

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