
Monday, April 11, 2016

Kait's Everyday Makeup

Firstly, I am not an expert of makeup. I do not do particularly fancy make up for special occasions. I am not known for my ability to cleverly disguise my baggies or pimples...

I'm just girl, standing in front of a mirror, hoping to pull off the "smoky eye."
Just kidding. I never try to pull that off.

Before we get started, let's take a look at the products I use. I'm too cheap to be an tried expert of makeup products, but I like the ones I use right now and would happily recommend them to anyone looking to switch things up in their own makeup routine.

What we have here is my everyday, boring, regular ol' makeup routine...I start out looking like this:

Wait until you see the end game - when you're eyelashes are blonde, mascara makes a big difference.

First, we moisturize. Part of  the PPP (Pimple Prevention Process) is maintaining the delicate balance between too greasy and too dry. So, in the mornings, before makeup, we moisturize.

Then, we conceal: under the eyes (above) and then as damage control over any particularly red pimples or pimple recovery zones (below).

I am a big fan of mineral cream. Nothing has made my acne-prone skin happier than when I gave-up foundation and started using mineral powder. It's so light, yet effective!

Part of being a pasty pants (and maybe for anyone) is that my neck doesn't match my face. Weird.
So, I use bronzer on my neck to blend in with the pinker color of my face. 

Next is a little eye cream. Just to give the lids a little shimmer and help give the eyeshadow a little grip. I'm sure there are a lot of good eye creams out there, but I really like my ...

With the eye cream, I find it doesn't really matter what base eye shadow I use. So, I just grab something cheap in the color I want.

Up until a couple months ago, I only did eye liner on my bottom lid. Like, since I started wearing eye liner, I just put it on the bottom. I guess for special occasions, I sometimes did a bit on the top in addition to the bottom, but never did I dream of doing ONLY TOP EYE LINER. And then I did. So, that's just what I do now...

...with a fun little cateye.

I've got pretty thick eyelashes. Not long, unfortunately, just thick. I learned quickly that two coats of mascara is essential. I do my first coat with this cheap, Walmart mascara. My favorite cheap mascara is a wand with curved bristles. I find I go "out of the lines" less frequently with the curved bristles. 

However, for the top coat, I lovvvvve this MAC Haute and Naughty Lash mascara. I don't understand what the difference between mascaras are, but this one is killer. It gets all those tough little lashes that get neglected with the first coat.

Now. On an average day, I usually just do that one coat of mink eyeshadow. It's so basic, but I don't want a whole lot of hoopla. When I'm feeling fancy, I break out the NAKED palettes for a little jazz on the outer lids.

Aaaand for some lips. The lip color changes depending on what I'm wearing and, in all actuality, I am so bad at remembering to re-apply. But! Ideally I do remember and re-apply and this is how it looks.

Here we are. Pretty Kaitlin. The end.

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