
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How I [ IDEALLY ] Start My Day

6:00 a.m. First alarm goes off
6:15 a.m. Second alarm goes off
6:30 a.m. Third alarm goes off and I finally get out of bed
6:35 a.m. Brush teeth, wash face, apply face cream
6:40 a.m. Hair fixin' time...
  1. If I showered last night and my hair had time to dry to before bed;
    • Use a straightener to do loose curls (30 minutes)
    • Pull it back into a lazy ponytail (1 minute)
    • Tease a bit and french braid down the side (2 minutes)
  2. If I didn't sweat yesterday and can "rewear" the same hair;
    • Touch up flattened curls or flatten kinks (5 minutes)
    • Tease and pull up top half of hair (5 minutes)
  3. If I showered last night, but went to bed before it was dry;
    • Cry, then take another shower and scrunch hair (40 minutes)
    • Pull up into a top knot or ballerina bun (5 minutes)
  4. If I go on a morning run or just want to feel fresh all day;
    • Shower, blow-dry and straighten or curl hair with a straightener (1 hour)
Assuming an average of 20 minutes hair styling time...
7:00 a.m. Moisturizer, make-up, deodorant, perfume
7:20 a.m. Dress (hopefully this only takes one try)
7:25 a.m. Make lunch
7:35 a.m. Leave for work
8:00 a.m. Arrive at work
8:05 a.m. Put away lunch, drop off workout clothes, plug-in and fire up the laptop
8:10 a.m. Upstairs for coffee and back downstairs for cream
8:20 a.m. Partake in coffee and breakfast

Overnight Oats have been my favorite breakfast for a about a month now. Equal parts milk and oats, coconut shavings, slivered almonds, blueberries and strawberries. Let sit in the frig overnight and take to work ready to eat the next day!
8:25 a.m. Check and respond to easy emails
8:30 a.m. Begin the day

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