
Monday, March 14, 2016

Slowly Going Green

Yes - I recycle*, but that's not what this is about. No, it's nothing to do with St. Patrick's Day, I just happened to time this post perfectly with the greenest week of the year.

Since moving into Kait's on Cannon Court, I've enlisted my Nana to help with my landscaping. Last Easter, I had the whole family in town for a big landscaping escape. Ever since, I've been bootstrapping my way to manageable motherflippin' landscaping.

Daylight Savings Time ended yesterday and the weather was right on queue to give a sunny, warm day with an extra hour of beautiful daylight. To celebrate - I gardened! Nana's instructions--because know next to nothing--was to do some housekeeping lawnkeeping. Which means, get rid of the dead stuff (leaves and expired plant parts) and the incoming grass and weeds.

This post is not for showing off. Someday (I hope) we'll look back at these pictures and just laugh at how scappy and sad my landscaping looks right now. The goals for this year are:

  1. Plant more plants: not a whole expensive jungle, just a couple at a time.
  2. MULCH: Nana says I don't need it, but I can't stand it with just this rocky dirt anymore!
  3. More watering: I'm kind of a lazy waterer when it comes to the keep my thirsty plants hydrated...oops.
Aaaaand here we go, NO JUDGING.

(Above) You can see how thin the grass looks here. This used to be a horrible paver patio that didn't make any sense at all in the front. Part of the landscapades included pulling them up and putting down dirt (it was sand and gravel under the pavers). 

(Above) Here was have an awkward little corner where the gutter pipe just wants to come out and play...stupid gutter pipe.

Like I said, this is a progression post, so there is a lot to improve upon before it's a proud post. But I'll keep you updated!

*In Columbia, the city provides you a voucher for free recycling bags, you only have to sort out the cardboard (everything else today) and they pick it right up with your trash. You would have to be an asshole not to recycle.

1 comment:

  1. That photo makes it look like you're going to murder me with that gardening tool.
