
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Runners Guide: What to Wear in Winter Weather

I got news for ya: IT IS COLD. Why did we choose a marathon for which all the training would take place in snow, chilling winds and below freezing temperatures? I guess it was a good way to make sure we would stick with it. Anyway, I learned pretty quickly what to wear to keep my ears, fingers and buns from going complete numb.

Here’s a little sample of my very warmest get-up on one of our very coldest days: 14 mile long run.

By the way, I only have like four poses (which I'm sure you've seen from my 41 Hit Wonderful Outfit post poses...
1. Hand on one hip
2. Both hands on hips
3. Arms crossed
4. Arms to the sides
But apparently, I also have 5. Lame running, in my repertoire.

Thanks Blair for putting up with my little mini photo sesh before our run. Bet you're real glad I was the only person in this town you could trick into training with you...


  1. Haha of course I'm glad! Leads to many great saving dogs.
