
Friday, February 5, 2016

41 Hit Wonderful Outfits: Week 1

I was picking out an outfit for work last week, when I thought, "Boy, I never wear this top...or this skirt...or those pants." And just like that, my brain birthed a challenge. I totaled up the number of professional bases (skirts, pants or dresses) and came up with the number 41. It's a little disgusting, I know, but I have 15 skirts, 9 pants and 17 dresses that I could wear to work in the winter weather.

The next part was kind of fun! I mixed and matched, calculated and deliberated, until I had 40 (well, 41 it turned out) outfits to wear to work. No repeats. Not even a scarf. We usually have the more important people in the office on Monday and Tuesday, so I planned 18 extra-professional outfits and then worked backwards from there. I plan not to repeat on casual outfits either, but it's a bit trickier since occasions for me to wear casual cloths are slim to unplanned. So, I'm just gonna have to pick from the leftovers and make it work when I have to!

Some of the outfits, I lovvvve. Some I like, not so much. But I can't be the winner if I don't wear them, another crazy begins #41hitwonders

Day 1: Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 2: Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 3: Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 4: Thursday, February 4, 2016

Day 5: Friday, February 5, 2016

Finally, a big shout out to my co-worker, Adam. He was such a good sport when I broke the news that I would need him (our resident photographer) to take a couple pictures of me every day. Thanks again, Adam!

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