
Monday, February 29, 2016

2016 Rootin' Tootin' Chili Cook-Off

Every year, JES Holdings goes completely over the top in constructing (I do mean constructing) our chili booth. We have a construction company that we recruit for the job and every year it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Here is a little history of our booth since I started with the company...

2013: Red Hot Chili Preppers

2014: Chiligan's Island

2015: Kings, Queens & Chili Beans

2016: Welcome to Fabulous JES Holdings

Please notice the Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign, because that baby is my pride and joy. It was a fun time, as always, and we took home first place in Best Costume, Best Booth and Biggest Bowl (most money raised). There's a lot of prep work that goes into this event and it's pretty rewarding to see it completed and praised at the event.

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