
Friday, December 18, 2015

Marketing is Making Spirits Bright

I guess you know I'm pretty fond of my department. I have actually been really lucky when it comes to co-workers. First my sweet Jordan Gulliford and now this group of weridos.

Well, with this group of weirdos we decided to put on some plaid, take down the lights from around our department and shoot some family Christmas card photos. I think they turned out adorably. We really tried to portray our personalities in the solo shots (I'm kind of a grump on the week days). On the day after the Holiday Party (today), we forced everyone to partake in our little fun by passing them around to every desk in the office.

Then, of course, we had to write a little parody to Jingle Bells...


Dashing round the office
With a PowerPoint in hand,
Begging for approval.
Have you seen our banner stands?

Social events we bring,
Making spirits bright.
then we’ll write a blog post
For the new website!

Oh, marketing, marketing,
We’ll be here all day
Since you wait till 4:50
To send changes our way.


Marketing, Marketing,
Our team is the best,
Oh, what fun, when we tell you 
To send a marketing request.

And there was even a square-sized Instagram to post too! Of course.

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