
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Quick Clean Checklist

It's a Wednesday night and you seriously want to partake in the Imo's BOGO special, but you really need another couple to justify two X-Large pizzas. So, last minute plans are made and you've got just a couple of hours before company comes over to join you in Imo's goodness and probably need to use your bathroom. But when did you last clean your bathroom...?

Time is limited, but the checklist below is prioritized. So start at the top and work your way down through what you can with the time you have. Good luck, you little host(ess), you.

1. Light a Candle
First and foremost, light a candle. One in your main, hosting space and another in the bathroom. If this is a last-minute, over-night guest, you better get a candle going in the guestroom too. 

2. Close Idle Rooms
It's simple enough, if you won't be using the room...shut the door. Problem solved, one less room to clean.

2. Tidy-up a Bit
Starting with the space in which you will mostly be hosting, just start picking-up. Fluff and arrange throw pillows how you like, put away the mail on the table, any dirty dishes should be in the dishwasher, shoes in your room (not by the door), etc. etc. Don't forget your outside patio or porch!

3. Clean the Toilet
No matter what kind of last-minute even you're hosting, the worst thing you can have is a disgusting toilet. Take the bowl cleanser and squirt along the inside of the bowl. Scrub the bowl with your toilet brush and then let the cleanser sit until the toilet is used. Do a quick dust of the toilet surfaces and then a basic surface cleaner and paper towel job around the outside. 

4. Bathroom Counters + Mirror
Watermarks and grimy faucet edges can really make a bathroom look grosser than it is. Using the same surface cleaner and paper towels, clean the counters and mirror as needed. If you've still got tough grime on the faucet edges, a little water and old toothbrush will do a fine temporary job until you can get some Comet in on a deeper clean job.

(If guests are staying over-night, a quick shower rinse should be done as well. It's not ideal, but if you can just give the edges and shelves a rinse so there isn't hair or grit anywhere...that would be nice. When you knock out everything else on the list, the next item would be a good Comet scrub along the tub or shower base.)

5. Wipe Kitchen Counters
Crumbs accumulate so quickly, ya know? Just take a wet hand towel and wipe the kitchen counters as best you can. Be sure to wipe any watermarks around the sink too. Don't forget the kitchen table!

6. Surface Dust
Dust isn't usually too noticeable...unless you haven't dusted in a really long time. Just try to hit those really obvious areas: TV and TV stand, shelves, books, frames, etc. 

7. Sweep + Swiffer
Bathroom first, then kitchen. I am not sure if you have a Swiffer, but I highly recommend them as a quick-fix for floors. I usually only sweep and Swiffer anyways, with a serious hands-and-knees scrub about every three months. 

8. Vacuum 
Again, start in the main, hosting space. Then hit the hallways and, if needed, the guestroom. Then put the vacuum would hate to be seated next to your vacuum and all it's corded glory over dinner.

Hopefully your last minute plans are well worth the quick clean, but if they aren't...well at least you actually cleaned-up a bit for once this week.


  1. I'm ALL about the candles! Love this.

    1. Sometimes all I manage to do is just light the candles :) Thanks girly!
