
Sunday, October 18, 2015

2015 Fall To Do: UPDATE

So far, I have hit the following fall to do milestones...

1. Have at least one pumpkin spiced latte. Is anyone else getting sick of these? I am seriously going to have to SLOW DOWN on the pumpkin spiced lattes this year or my brain might over-spice.

2. Tailgate college football. We have had a blast hopping around to our favorite tailgates...well...the only three we're invited to. The Griswold Tailgate, highlights include the "drink-of-the-weekend," adorable painted pumpkins and printables and customized Mizzou trailer. The Lehman Tailgate, highlights include the Mizzou chandelier, three-tiered tiger-striped cake and Theta mix goodie bags. The JES Holdings Tailgate, highlights include bartender, buffet and ridiculously close proximity to the, touching it. Fun is had at every stop and thank  you, thank you, thank you to all the lovely hosts (and employers) of these tailgates! 

3. Run in a race. Don't know if you've heard...but I ran a half marathon. Pretty big deal.

4. Make the first batch of chili. Remember how fall woke up on October 1st and decided it was time to kick it in to gear? That was my queue that it was time for chili. Only I didn't have any time until a couple of weeks later, but I tried out this new cowboy chili recipe for to accompany the bonfire (mentioned below) and it was a delight! I had to make a few revisions for my picky man who doesn't like beans (one can of kidney beans) or tomatoes (toss the stewed tomatoes in a blender first). I also did it the whole batch in the crockpot, but cutting out the water and draining the beans.

5. Host a bonfire in the backyard. What better time for a bonfire with friends than to start Homecoming weekend? The weather was incredible for a fire...and the patio was perfect as always.

6. Visit a pumpkin patch / Visit a fall festival. We didn't actually purchase a pumpkin from the patch ($6 verses $2.50 at Aldi), but the Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival was a TREAT. Way, way bigger than I expected...the whole town was closed down, as the streets were lined with what I think was probably 200 or 300 booths of crafts and fair food. It was a lovely way to spend the last couple hours with Abbie who was visiting for Homecoming.

7. Carve pumpkins. After we collected our Aldi pumpkins, we had a little carving night with Rachel, Trever, Zak and Jordan at Rachel and Trever's house. They were as good of hosts as Trever's mother (Michel Griswold, of the Griswold Tailgate) and had chili and cider ready to accompany our carving skills.

8. Take colorful fall photos. One of what I hope will be many colorful fall photos taken from the MKT trail on a little jog Blair and I took after work one day. We were needing to get back into running since the half marathon and it was a glorious, crisp evening. Not many of the leaves had changed yet, but the smell was deliciously autumn.

9. Decorate the doorstep / Plant mums. The doorstep might be my favorite part of decorating for fall. Pumpkins, mums, pine cones, twig wreaths...maybe even snag a broken step-ladder from your neighbor's trash and use that. The ladder is on the other side of the door, over by Aaron's pumpkin that isn't carved. Why, you ask? He traced and traced and retraced the SafeTrek logo, but couldn't bear to cut into the pumpkin unless is was perfect. So, he would rather have a plain old pumpkin (loser).

10. Try a new pumpkin recipe. In addition to the bonfire chili, I thought it might also be appropriate (and overly necessary) to bring something pumpkin flavored into the party. So naturally, I Pinterest'd around until I found these tasty treats: pumpkin s'mores cupcakes. I'm always hesitant that I'll waste my time making something that's WAY too pumpkiny, but these were so subtle you could hardly taste the pumpkin and just too messy to make again.

Bonus Round!

+ Go apple picking. When mom asked what I wanted to do when I came home for the weekend, I couldn't resist the opportunity to go apple picking. What an adorable and nostalgic activity to do with your mother. When we showed up at Sunshine Valley Farmstand, we were disappointed to hear the "picking sessions" had closed for the day. Why the hell you can't pick on your own terms, I don't know. But mom and I weaseled our way into the orchards for the sake of an Instagram, and bought a couple of apples afterwards to justify our rebellion.

+ Admire a sunflower field. No joke...this is a real place just outside of Bolivar. When mom Instagram'd this glorious sunflower field and I couldn't believe it...but seeing it live an in person was even more unbelievable. Mom and I drove a couple miles out of Bolivar on long and twisting Missouri backroads. As we came down the final hill into the valley you can see just a peak of yellow...and then, there it is. Wide open fields of sunflowers stretching about a half mile in either direction. We admired and we posed for pictures and we tried not to disturb the bees. You wouldn't think a field of flowers could be so spectacular, but it left me in awe.

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