
Friday, April 25, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: April 25 - 27

1. Try a recipe from Grandma Rose's book. My wonderful Grandma Rose, puts together the sweetest collection of recipes into a book for each of her female grandchildren. She gave me mine a few weekends ago when I was home and I've decided I need to try one of her recommended dishes.

2. Fall for floral fashion. It's everywhere, have you noticed? Floral fashion is just so lovely for spring and I'd like to see what kind of fun floral outfits I have in my closet.

3. Do an illustration. I don't get to doodle much now that I don't sit through classes for five hours a day, but JES is participating in the Business School 5k next weekend and we've dreamed up a doodles design for the front. I can't wait to actually put a pencil to paper that isn't making a to do list.

4. Play a little catch-up. We were let out of work early on Friday! Woohoo! What a treat :) But I didn't quite get all my things done for last week (notice this post being done on Sunday, oops). So, I'm making a trip to the office for the afternoon to get ahead of the game before another week attacks me with projects.

5. Get glowing! I'm signed up to do the Glow Run on Saturday and I've already started stockpiling my neon. I love a fun 5k and it's nice not to have to wake up early for an 8:00 AM run! The glow run starts at 8:00 PM and I'm sure the breezy, spring weather will be perfect for a little jog.

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1. Try a recipe from Grandma Rose's book. Italian Penne Bake: chicken, onion, garlic, parsley, penne, cheese, bread crumbs and tomatoes. Emphasis on the tomatoes, which Aaron does NOT like and complained about the entire time and well into our goodnight phone call. Though, for all his complaining, he still ate about four-fifths of the dish. It was delicious! Thank you Grandma Rose!

2. Fall for floral fashion. My favorite of my floral pieces is this Lauren Conrad blouse from Kohl's. I've been dying to try out my new white, crop pants for a while, but wasn't sure what shoes you wear with white pants (when you don't have white shoes). I went with bright red to pull out some of the color in the top. I think it turned out nicely!

3. Do an illustration. I was so excited with how my JES/5k doodle turned out! You can see in the next picture how it looks as a graphic, which I'm even more pleased with.

4. Play a little catch-up. I don't have a picture of me "playing catch-up" on Sunday, but this is me enjoying my Monday because I already did all the crappy things on my office to do list.

5. Get glowing! I like to think of the Glow Run as the watered down version of Dayglow, which also happened on Saturday night. It was much more my style, as far as colorful-sweaty-things-you-pay-to-participate-in go. We had a great time doing Zumba pre-race, racing and then having a little dance party post-race. Not to mention digging up all the neon for our awesome outfits!

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