
Friday, April 18, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: April 18 - 20

1. Peeps + Cadbury Eggs. It wouldn't be Easter without my favorite candy of all time. All these other holiday's think they've got something special to bring to the candy table...candy canes, candy corn, conversation hearts. But everyone knows that Easter has the BEST candy: peeps + cadbury eggs. It's a dream come true.

2. Rock the shirt knot. I've been seeing this around the blogosphere and it's just so cute! I've decided to give it a try this weekend, perhaps with a maxi skirt? I'm not sure I have any shirts that are over-sized enough to pull it off, but I'm sure I'll manage.

3. Try a DIY planter. As the world outside greens, I want a little green for my apartment/home. I've looked up some super cute planter ideas and have a few in mind that I'd like to try this weekend. Of course, I can only plant succulents because I am a horrible plant keeper.

4. (One more) Spring Cleaning Challenge: bring order to my purse and card. These non-home items seem to get away from me. I need to give the purse a serious de-clutter and the car needs a vacuum like you wouldn't believe. 

5. Put the inspiration boards to use. Now that I've got my cork-clipboards, I've got to put them to use with all my home decor inspiration! I plan to spend the weekend gathering ideas and "pinning" them to my "boards" (Pinterest jokes).

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1. Peeps + Cadbury Eggs. Ooooh they were so delightful. I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the year's best holiday candy!

2. Rock the shirt knot. There it is. Paired with a chevron maxi skirt and the tassel necklace. It was pretty comfortable and an easy way to jazz up a simple outfit. I mean...vneck + knot + maxi = done.

3. Try a DIY planter. Ok, I went a little planter crazy. Look forward to my three planter ideas for Mother's Day gifts post coming up soon! I think I'll be keeping the pictured little gem I have here. It's so fun to wake up to on my nightstand!

4. (One more) Spring Cleaning Challenge: bring order to my purse and card. I officially vacuumed my car for the first time in...EVER. Embarrassing, I know. But it wasn't too bad. The purse is thoroughly de-cluttered as well. I officially claim spring cleaning complete. Thank GOD.

5. Put the inspiration boards to use. I had so much fun doing some real-life Pinteresting with my "pins" (magazine clippings, paint swatches and fabric bits) and "boards" (cork-clipboards). It was the perfect way to pass Saturday afternoon and now I have all kinds of great inspiration for my new house!

As you may have seen via Instagram (or pictured above), I have a little bike wreck. Sunday was the perfect afternoon for a bike ride and after running some errands, I pumped up the tires, filled up a water bottle and hit the pavement...literally. I had my earbuds in and I thought my gears might be off, so I started pulling them out of my ears, while trying to brake. Apparently, I hit the brakes a little too hard and flipped the bike over on the handle bars along with myself. UGH. It hurt like hell...and there were two spectators, who I ignored as I climbed back on the bike. Determined not to be another victim of bike wrecks, I braved the steep decline from our apartment onto the MKT trail. Once I was on the level trail, I felt much better and managed to bike all the way Hindman Junction, which is where the MKT meets the Katy trail, about 8 miles out and another 8 miles back. It was a great ride! Though I was all kinds of sore this morning...

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