
Friday, March 14, 2014

5 Things to Try This Weekend: March 14 - 16

1. Obviously, green beer. It's is the weekend before St. Patrick's day, for which you are obligated to drink green beer. We have a bit of a shindig at our friends' house and it should be full of Irish shenanigans.

2. Try my hand at gold leaf. I've seen some pretty cool crafts out there using gold leaf, and while I've never used it myself...I have just the craft in mine!

3. Go green. Another obvious will be my green outfit for the St. Patrick's day celebration.

4. Spring cleaning challenge: the patio. Might as well clean up the patio while it's nice outside. I need to make space for my GREEN plants, sweep, dust the chairs, blah blah blah.

5. Celebrate my new house! Well people. I have a verbal commitment from the seller and should be signing the contract tonight :) I'm so excited!! I'll post some photos once it's a done deal. But tonight, we celebrate!

*     *     *

Well, this was just a weekend of failures. What's crazy is that I was SO productive Saturday morning. I woke up, stopped at a garage sale and bought some kitchenware, returned my DVR box to MediaCom, went to Casablanca and recovered my St. Pat's Stash, picked up some groceries at Aldi, stopped by Hobby Lobby for the gold leaf craft supplies, completed my gold leaf craft and watched the new Veronica Mars how did I not manage to clean my patio is beyond me...

1. Obviously, green beer. Obviously, NOT obviously. I had plenty of beer, but none of it green.

2. Try my hand at gold leaf. I can't show you the actual craft (it's a present) but I can show you the aftermath. I hate gold leaf. It was so impossibly difficult. I'm never doing it again...

3. Go green. Here's a sampling of my costume. It was a whole drama on Saturday night when I realized I didn't know where my St. Pat's Stash was! Turned out it was in the basement of Casablanca...of course. It was a miracle that I found it.

4. Spring cleaning challenge: the patio. I had every intention of doing this Sunday, but then it was cold. So I didn't.

5. Celebrate my new house! GAH. I'm still so excited...less excited with all the lender and insurance comparing, but I've had so much help from Nana and Bob. I am truly so lucky to have them. Anyway, you can expect a blog post soon of all the pictures of my new digs!

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