
Friday, December 20, 2013

5 Things to Try This Weekend: Dec 20 - 22

1. Make a fancy Christmas drink. This weekend will be our Casanova Christmas at the Lake of the Ozarks. What better to do with the g'rents, than make a Christmasy cocktail? Something like this...

Gingerbread Man Shot  //  Chocolate Peppermint Stick  //  Candy Cane Cocktail  //  Candy Cane Mojitos  //  Peppermint Eggnog Punch // Gingerbread Martini

2. Craft a Christmas playlist (that's actually good). Full disclosure, I HATE Christmas music. I think the problem stems from my preference for sad, sweet music...which is quite the opposite from the over-played jolly jingles we must endure with the season. However, I know there are some sad, sweet jams out there for me and I'm determined to put the together into one perfect playlist.

3. Find some Christmas jammies. I know you've seen the most epic Christmas video ever by now. But in all fairness, my co-worker mentioned wanting to do this before the vid went viral. I think we'll be doing a little shopping at the Lake (of course, love those outlets) and I'm determined to find some cute "jammies" to wear on Christmas morning...and maybe all day.

4. Do that last minute Christmas thing. Gifts bought? Gifts wrapped? Side dish planned? Christmas cards sent? Bags packed for travel? Christmas Eve itinerary arrange? Stockings stuffed? As prepared as you think you are (I'm pretty prepared), you've been putting off something. Get it done this weekend... 'cause Christmas is WEDNESDAY!

5. Be grateful. This is the last #5things post before Christmas, so being thankful is a great thing to try this weekend and for the rest of the week (and forever). Someone put a lot of time in to the meal you'll be eating...and someone put a lot of thought into the gifts you'll be opening. Even when it's not Christmas related, there's a lot to be grateful for and I want to be aware of those things this weekend.

*     *     *

1. Make a fancy Christmas drink. We chose to make the Peppermint Eggnog Punch and I thought it was delicious. Our party (Me, mom & dad, plus Nana & Bob and Aaron) were split on whether we liked it or not. Either way, it was definitely more like a desert and one glass was enough.

2. Craft a Christmas playlist (that's actually good). I spent most of last week researching and I think I've put together the perfect, sad Christmas playlist. It's nice for listing to in the background...

3. Find some Christmas jammies. I have not decided if these will definitely be my Christmas Jammies, but they're a good start. As you can see I decided to go with the grandma-style nighty...but I love it all the same. Of course, it's not very Christmasy, so it still may get returned in favor of something more seasonal.

4. Do that last minute Christmas thing. My last minute Christmas thing was stuffing mom's stocking. Technically this is dad's job, but since I've got the inside scoop, I help him out a bit. And by "inside scoop" I mean, I'm with mom while she picks out the stuffers.

5. Be grateful. The big thanks for the weekend goes to Nana & Bob for putting together a mini-Christmas at the Lake so that they could give me my Christmas gifts. I got a sewing machine from them this year and I'm so excited to start in on the next phase of my craft life. Little thanks to...
Sam, for sharing his HuluPLUS account so Aaron and I can continue binge-watching Community.
Becca, for her ever-patient attempts at shopping for my Christmas gifts (I'm kind of picky).
Mom, for the experience of Jingle Juice.
Dad, for his constantly checking to make sure we've got mom's Christmas gifts in order.
Aaron, for coming to the Lake for our mini-Christmas...and for all the Community binge-watching.

It was such a fun weekend of shopping and eating and games and presents. I'm so grateful for all the people I have to share it with!


  1. The "christmas jammies" makes me think of when you and Lindsey visited me over Christmas break freshman year, and we took pictures in my snowman pajamas!

    1. AH. You're so right...except, I think you were the only nerd who actually had xmas jammies ;)

  2. I feel your pain on the Christmas jammies. I decided MONTHS ago I was going to get jammies for garret and I for Christmas Eve. Now everyone will think I'm just a copier :/ sigh............

  3. And now, the comment for the update:

  4. Ever since I was little, my parents have gotten me jammies to open on Christmas Eve. You are definitely not a copier!
