
Friday, November 1, 2013

5 Things to Try This Weekend: November 1 - 3

So I like this weekly post that The Glitter Guide does called 5 Things to Try This Weekend. I don't usually do...any of the 5 things, but I like the idea. I was thinking, that maybe I'll do my own. I may steal some of their ideas, but mostly it's about ME. It's my blog, isn't it. However, I encourage you to try any of the 5 Things...because they would probably be a lot of fun! It's a good way to try new things and be goal-oriented; the two best things in the world.

THIS WEEKEND: November 1st through 3rd
(As far as I'm concerned, the weekend starts on Friday at 5 p.m.)

1. Host a Halloween Party. This one is easy, because I've already planned it. Hahahaha...good one.

2. Take Time to Admire Autumn. I feel like the leaves will be turning brown soon and I don't know that I've really taken time to admire them! Sure I am awed on my way to work or when I run on the trail, but never to do I go out of my way to admire...

3. Plan a Meal I've Never Made. I don't necessarily have to make it over the weekend, I just want to pick out a meal and buy the groceries to make it later in the week. I'm thinking it's going to involve a crockpot...just got some sweet recipes from a woman I work with.

4. Pair Boots with a Skirt or Dress. I always want to do this...but I chicken out. Guess I'll have to plan an occasion for wearing them too.

5. Write a Letter. To someone, to anyone, with love.

*     *     *

1. Hosted a Halloween Party. What a blast! Who knew we could fit so many people into our little apartment. But we somehow managed Cards Against Humanity, Beer Pong and a dance party to Dixieland Delight! Weren't expecting THAT we're ya? Want to see some party pics? That's a different post.

2. Took Time to Admire Autumn. It tools some talking in to, but I got Aaron to venture out on Sunday to Devil's Ice Box. We wandered around for a bit, but we're disappointed we didn't come a weekend earlier; the trees were mostly bare. But, we admired the heck out of the golden leaves on ground!

3. Planned a Meal I've Never Made. Beef stew, people. That's the plan for Monday. Actually, Aaron's volunteered to do most the work, but since I did technically do the planning, it counts. 

4. I Paired Boots with a Skirt. After that big shindig on Friday night, I was pretty unmotivated to get dressed up. So technically, I didn't put together this little outfit until Monday morning for work, but I still managed it!

5. Wrote a Letter. Eliza Gal is the lucky recipient of my letter this weekend. I just miss that gal too much and needed to send a little love from Missouri!

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