
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Katy vs. Kait: Who Wore it Best?

When I was younger, I was pretty opinionated, demanding and bossy. Oh no wait...that's now. But, I was then too. This being the case, I pretty much dressed myself and needless to say, I looked GOOD. But now we're going to play a little game, called Katy vs. Kait: Who Wore it Best? It will be a little blog series of my taking on my younger self in a competition of style...and also redemption.

A little background, my grandparents own a little store on the square in Bolivar called Roweton's Home Center. When when you are grandparents needing to place an ad in the Bolivar Herald Free-Press, you are obligated to call on your darling, ginger grandchild. So, here is a photo of my get-up for one of the newspaper ads for my grandparent's hardware store. I'm not sure why I'm wearing that...but did I do better the second time?

1 comment:

  1. Precious! Best idea for a blog series EVER! Also -- I love BOTH these outfits.
