
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Winery Weekend Outfits

First of all, this is my first blog post from the Blogger iPhone App. So that's pretty cool. It's formatted pretty simply from what I can tell so far, which is probably best considering the actual intended function of the App. My only real concern is spelling...but I have enough trouble with that on the keyboard.

Secondly, apologies for the week of silence. Abbie and I went to LouFest last weekend and I had the greatest idea for a blog post about it: What to Wear to LouFest Flowchart. Oh yeah. Genius Unique. Clever. COMPLICATED. The whole thing is taking much longer than I projected and work was wild last week. But I should be able to post it within the next few days!

Finally, I recently made reservations in Hermann, Missouri for a Winery Weekend with Aaron and I and our favorite work couple. I'm so stinkin' excited about it and so shortly after making the itinerary, the brainstorm for wonderful winery outfits began. So, I set one screen to Pinterest and the other to 30 Rock and played a little dress's what happened:

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