
Thursday, August 8, 2013

JES Scavenger Hunt

I see on Instagram, that when posting a picture which is not currently happening, you are to hashtag #latergram. Now that we all get the reference...please excuse this #laterblog.

A few months ago, my company, JES Holdings, put together a Scavenger Hunt. We have a social committee that is just the greatest and they came up with a really clever list of items for the Columbia (and general) area. I did the design for the handout, but wasn't allowed to see the list of items. Since I was participating...

Get the Printable PDF here!

So, here's the evidence of our adventures:

✔ Group picture of everyone in a costume (must have a theme) - 20 points

✔ Group picture of everyone sitting on a slide - 15 points

✔ Group picture of everyone by the columns at Mizzou - 10 points

✔ Picture of one person with the Sparky’s Ice Cream bulldog - 15 points

✔ Picture of group with Dos Equis man - 10 points

◱ Picture of someone with Pepe’s Taco Truck - 20 points

✔ Bring back a cloth napkin from a restaurant - 5 points

✔ Group picture with the Captain (think outside the box) - 10 points

✔ Bring back a donation receipt from the thrift shop - 10 points

✔ Find the weirdest print fabric and take a pic, best fabric from all teams wins (judges pick) - 5 points

◱ Bring back a restaurant hat - 5 points

✔ Group picture of everyone's reflection in something besides a mirror - 10 points

✔ Bring back a fortune cookie, Chinese take out menu and chop sticks - 10 points

✔ Picture of a team member pumping someone else’s gas (not another team member) - 20 points

◱ Bring back a disposable toilet seat cover - 15 points

✔ Group picture of the team sitting with a family at a restaurant - 20 points

✔ Picture of an out of state license plate - 5 points

✔ Group photo with everyone trying on a pair of red shoes - 15 points

✔ Picture of a team member next to a movie poster - 10 points

✔ Picture of teammate jumping off of a swing (must be in mid-air) - 10 points

✔ Picture of teammate playing a pinball machine - 10 points

✔ Picture of teammate riding a strangers bike (stranger must be in picture) - 20 points

◱ Picture with a uniformed officer or firefighter - 15 points

✔ Picture of teammate sitting in a dentist chair - 20 points

✔ Picture of teammate on strangers motorcycle (stranger must be in picture) - 15 points

◱ Picture of Columbia population sign - 5 points

◱ Picture of teammate running through a sprinkler - 20 points

◱ Picture of teammate lifting weights or working out at gym (NOT THE JES GYM) - 10 points

✔ Picture of teammate with Walmart greeter - 15 points

Then, with about 20 minutes left before we had to report back to The Deuce, we receive a text that says we get an extra 50 points if we can perform the Harlem Shake in the produce section of Hyvee with two strangers and one Hyvee employee. So, of course we had to do it...

Unfortunately, we placed a mere 15 points. It was the toilet seat cover that killed us...Walmart has them, apparently. If we'd have known, we'd be winners. But we were pleased to have done so well with a team of three interns! We work for a pretty fun company...wait till you hear about Field Day.

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