
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Oh, hello there...

Well. Here's a thing I haven't done in a while.
I guess I've kind of been lost in the transition from summer to senior year, which hasn't been difficult, just a lot of change.

 As you know, I got an iPhone (LIFE CHANGING) before leaving for California, so I'm going to tell my tale since then, with iPhone photos:

Return from Cali.
You know you're back in Columbia when bar specials are "Natty & a Shot $3"

Met these losers. The one on the left is the worst.
Adventures with Abbie...

Awh, the Bucket List. I didn't complete it all, but we definitely put a dent in list!
Recruitment happens. I discover the I'd Cap That App.

We get our new pledge class and I finish my very last year of Recruitment. Thank God.
I spend a little time adjusting to the iPhone auto-correct. Note: the last text :/
I don't know why this happened. But apparently it did. Random nights out, love 'em.

Home for Labor Day...with these nerds...

SEC Game Days!! The JES tailgate is my last stop before every game.

In other, less photographically-attractive news:

It went well. I mean, it's still going, but it's a lot slower now that I only work Mondays and Wednesday from 8:00am to 1:00pm and all day Friday. But it's nice to still have that constant source of income and to keep me busy. Furthermore, since I'll be staying on when I graduate in May, it's good to keep in the loop on everything.

I'm not going to complain. 12 hours, easy classes, great schedule. I've got it pretty good this semester. Psychology of Advertising is interesting, though almost solely based on group projects...which I hate. Strategic Writing requires quite a bit of outside work, but is basically just designing and being creative, so I enjoy it. History of American Journalism is god-awful. Introduction to Accounting is fairly easy, all things considered. I really am trying to keep positive about it all, because I can only imagine next year, when I am begging for finals week. It may be time-consuming and challenging, but I love it. I love walking home alone from Ellis at 2:00am and curling up in a chair of the J-school library basement to complete a project. I love people watching as I walk to class and I LOVE meeting friends for lunch downtown between classes. I will miss it -- I'm trying to keep that in mind when I start getting grumpy.

Well, I'm going to try and get back to blogging. Wouldn't want to miss bits of senior year that I can't look back on someday! I'll give more details on things in further posts...

 Thanks for reading and I hope to earn your views back :)

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