
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend Update

It's been an eventful one. Friday started slowly with a lazy morning  consisting solely of a burned CD project for my roomies. A Finals Study mix. The afternoon quickly turned wild when Kyle called and needed help with a shotsbook page. This happens sometimes. When girls ask boys to make them a page and boys are completely helpless...they have to call upon their crafty female friends. Kyle and I whipped up a page in return for his driving me on some errands.

Then it was over to Theta to help set up for CASA. The decorations were beautiful and colorful (good work Kallie Brown)! Everything was running smoothly, sans the small (not small), easy (not easy) adventure in finding cheese sauce. There was a small miscommunication which resulted in their being no cheese sauce. However, Lexi Hayob and I took care of it right away. Let there be cheese sauce!

I came home after that and watched Tinker Toy Tailor Truck Turquoise Tadpole Spy. And though I tried to convince Rachel and Trever to go out, they weren't having usual. However, I ended up going to a John Anderson concert with some guys. John Anderson. How do I end up at these things?? The night ended with Joe Dirt, which I had actually never seen before (shameful) and some sweet text from Logan at Mi CASA:

It says "I hearts you" ...he's a darling.

I woke up Saturday morning at like 9AM, surprisingly. I worked on a study guide while watching Parks and Recreation. At noon, Abbie and I met up with the rest of the Theta Wiffle Ball Team and headed over to Fiji's philanthropy. We dominated...obviously...and had a great time playing ball, eating hamburgers and jamming on a yellow Jeep in the frattiest way possible.

The rest of Saturday consisted of room cleaning and study guides with the window open and the raining exploding out of the sky. It was very lovely.

So then it gets to be 6PM...which is plan making time. It is my job--as the Casablanca Social Coordinator--to plan, organize, inform members about and execute all events we participate in. It's a dirty job...but I love it. And so I start initiating a plan: dinner and beers at McNally's, then on to Shiloh and wherever from there. The first rule of plan making: if drinking is involved, do not try to plan anything past 11PM.  I text the invitees: Taylor, Allie, Kallie, Rachel, Abbie and I on the east side of campus, and Trever, who takes care of the west side including Rick, Tyler and Katie. We meet up at McNally's at 8PM and the fun begins. I don't know what the quality is so awful, but I've included the pics as well...

This entire morning was spent editing those pictures and putting together that video...hahaha. Finals? What finals? But I promise that now I'll buckle down and get somethings done for next week.

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