
Monday, April 16, 2012

A Lazy Sunday

The Weekend Recap:
Friday night we celebrated Kallie's 21st Birthday! Finally.
And on Saturday, we attended Rachel's Pharmacy Formal, as her extra dates. It was an event where you might suspect to see some wild Pharmacy kids cutting lose. But that is not the case. In fact, we were among the most exciting kids at the party.

The group.

Trever had a lot to say...
"There aren't too many good lookin' couples. But not us. We're a damn good lookin' couple!"
"The American Life. Hot girlfriend, Busch Lite and good music."
"Here's to the drunkest couple at the party..." (toasting a shot) Kaitlin: "...always."
"What are you NASA??" (in response to some swervy -but sober- driving??)

But now it's Sunday.
It's been a pretty craft-tastic day. I promised Abbie (under the agreement that she would attend Rachel's Pharmacy Formal with me) that I would help her with the Greek Week shenanigans that occurred today. But, after I had served me time, it was all crafts for me.
Picture Frame Gift

Laced Jars

Feathery Hairpiece

Lace Earring Display

The day was also productive in that I took a bath, read a bit, did some intense stain removal, finished Arrested Development AND The League, ran errands and attempted to drive across town in a car that dies at every stoplight. Ugggh.

This article was posted to my wall by a friend of mine, and I have declared it the wittiest, truest, most Columbia college-defining piece I've ever read. Want to know that the plastic cups in your cabinet say about you? This article's got it down to a tee. I love a good stereotype mockery.

Also, I received the best news I've ever heard in my life today. While I had known for some time (since we lost freshman year) that we could be paired with Farmhouse for Homecoming this year, I had never dreamed I could be paired with not one, but BOTH of my favorite fraternities. But it's true. Farmhouse and Fiji are a package deal and that's literally the best deal of all time. I don't like a lot of fraternity boys...but I lovvvve these boys. I don't want to get ahead of myself (we aren't paired with them yet), but I consider it fate to even have such a perfect opportunity.
...but seriously, I'm dropping Theta if we aren't with FH/Fiji.

Hey, one more thing. Aren't these pictures beautiful:

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