
Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Beer Saved the World

So here's a thing.
I opened the Netflix Instant Watch homepage today and chose the first thing I saw: "How Beer Saved the World". I seem to be either really lucky or terribly unfortunate at randomly picking documentaries, but I got lucky this time. It's interesting, historical, a little comedic AND it's about beer. So that's neat. I'll give you the three-part videos so you can watch it:

...or if you'd rather, you can skim the list below to see all the wonderful things beer has done for the world:
1. Started the Industrial Revolution.
2. Invented writing and math.
3. Built the pyramids.
4. Treat diseases and ailments.
5. Keeping Medieval Europeans alive.
6. Funded the church.
7. Spearhead of modern capitalism.
8. Helped establish America.
9. Introduced the Tavern as the social network of the day.
10. Inspired the American Revolution.
11. Was the basis of modern medicine.
12. Developed the refrigeration system.
13. Actually invented the production line (sorry 'boutcha Henry Ford).
14. Ended child labor.
15. Could be used as the official yardstick of human history...
And there's that.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Ben Franklin

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